Gated Access

All gates are secured with a padlock and access codes will be provided in the confirmation email of your booking.

The dog field can be accessed from Park Road. You must wait outside the main gate if someone is using the field or is in the car park until they are ready to leave and have their dog(s) in their vehicle. Do not open the main gate if there are dogs or people in the car park.

There is waiting space for two vehicles outside the main gate. Please do not park on the road outside the field.

If the previous users do not leave and you have provided a polite prompt, then please contact us on 07310 226 776.

You can then come into the car park and wait until they have left and have closed the gate before you get your dog(s) out of your vehicle.

From the car park there is a pedestrian gate into the field or if you prefer you can park in the field by going through the second large gate.   It is your responsibility to ensure both gates are secured before you let your dog(s) off lead in the field.

When you have finished your session close and secure all gates using the locks provided and leave on time so the next person can enter the car park.

step 1
step 1

Arrive on time - NOT Early

Please wait outside the main gate if there is someone in the field or car park.

There is space for 2 vehicles to wait in this area.

* Do not park outside on the road even to wait.

Step 2
Step 2


There is space for 4 vehicles to fit comfortably in our car park and for 1 car to park in the field.

Use the codes to access the vehicle gate or pedestrian gate into the field.

Close the gates behind you and secure.

Step 3
Step 3

Enjoy your time on our secure field

Enjoy a safe and secure space in the countryside with beautiful views, just you and your dog(s).

Step 4
Step 4

Please leave promptly

When you have finished your session close and secure all gates using the locks provided.

Please be mindful and leave on time so the next person can enter the car park.

* Close and secure all gates.

* Leave on time.

Run FREE + Safe