Trailing FAQ’s
What is Trailing?
Trailing involves a dog having to find a person (mantrailing) or a dog (pettrailing) by following a trail of their scent using an item that they have touched. Trailing can build your dog’s confidence and focus, strengthen your bond as a team and give your dog a great mental workout all whilst using their natural superpower – their sense of smell.
Can any dog do it?
Absolutely – trailing is one of the most inclusive dog sports and is suitable for any type of dog of any age. Young puppies just need to have had their vaccinations and be able to go outside.
Where are the sessions held?
One of the great things about trailing is that it can be done in lots of different outdoor spaces and at different times of the day.
My sessions will take place in various locations across Manchester, Derbyshire and Cheshire so check the booking page for more details.
What if my dog is reactive to people or other dogs?
Each dog is trailed on its own on a long line so nervous or reactive dogs can still take part and adaptations can be made to make the trailing experience as enjoyable as possible for you and your dog. Just let me know on your booking form if your dog has behavioural needs.
If you’re still not sure get in touch and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss ways to adapt the session for your dog.
My dog has a medical condition – can they still trail?
Trailing is a low impact activity and so is suitable for dogs with a range of medical conditions with adaptations however there may be some that prevent a dog trailing. Just let me know on your booking form of any medical conditions your dog has.
If you’re not sure get in touch and I will be happy to discuss this further with you.
My dog and I love trailing and want to do more.
At any trailing session there will be opportunities to have a fun adventure with your dog and learn more about your dogs communication and body language, your handling of the long line and your dogs unique trailing style. You can also try trailing in different locations and at different times of the day.
As your trailing journey progresses you will also have the opportunity to access workshops, seasonal trailing events and trailing assessments through my affiliation with The Canine School of Trailing.
I can’t leave my dog in the car?
Dogs will need to be left in the car in between their trails to rest and to allow you to hide for another trailing team.
If your dog can’t be left in the car please feel free to bring a friend or family member to wait in the car with them between your trails.
Do I have to buy any special equipment?
You will need a well-fitting harness, a long line (between 5 and 10 m) and a number of really good rewards for your dog in an easily accessible form e.g. in a small pot or from a tube such as liver paste.
Let me know if you would like to borrow a long line for your first session to see how you and your dog get on.
My dog doesn’t like a harness.
Trailing has to be done using a harness as the dog is ahead of the owner and there will be tension on the long line which won’t be possible if the dog is wearing a collar.
If your dog isn’t able to wear a harness get in touch and we can discuss how to help get you and your dog trailing.
Is there a lot of walking or running involved?
Trailing is a low impact activity for you as well as your dog and is not all about going a long distance. A session might involve trailing across different surfaces like grass, pavements and woodland paths though so just let me know on your booking form if you have any mobility issues and I will make sure the trailing location is suitable
In trailing running is discouraged as this could lead to your dog missing important parts of the trail like a junction or you stumbling. It’s also really important for the handler to be aware of their surroundings when trailing for example when approaching corners or roads.
I do other dog sports or obedience will my dog get confused?
Trailing is a very different activity than a lot of other dog sports and obedience. Dogs tend to know what they are doing but sometimes teams have a trailing uniform e.g. a specific harness only worn for trailing or a bandana
I use a wheelchair can I still trail?
Yes absolutely. Please let us know when you book and I will make sure the trailing location is suitable.
Can you trail in all weathers?
Trailing can be done in all weathers but if there is extreme weather for example thunderstorms the session might be cancelled and a full refund given or another session offered.
Make sure your dog can be kept comfortable in the car for the weather conditions and dress in appropriate outerwear and footwear yourself.
What if I can’t make a session?
If you can’t make a session we ask for as much notice as possible to allow us to fill your place – trailing sessions require a minimum number of people to run so that someone can always stay with the cars.
If adequate notice is given you will receive a full refund or you can book into another session. Refunds cant be given if less than 48 hours notice.
I’ve trailed before can I still come to your session?
Of course. Let me know what experience and training you have had on the booking form.
Can I bring other people, including children?
Older children are welcome, but you must ensure any children do not go to other dogs without the owner’s permission.
Any children attending must be supervised by you or another member of your family or party at all times. Make a note on the booking form if children are attending.